Blog » Kitchen

Creative Snacks Organizing Ideas for Your Favorite Treats
Snacks are one of the best things to enjoy when you need a quick pick-me-up, but weaving through piles on the kitchen counter or digging the back of pantry shelves is no fun. Are you fed up with having to search through your kitchen for that chocolate bar, yogurt, or other sweet treats? Yeah, me too! I just want all of my snacks to...
5 Beautiful Ways To Add Color To Your Kitchen With Decoration
The kitchen is the heart of the home and we have to spend plenty of time here. But no one loves to spend their time in a drab, colorless kitchen that doesn't spark even a little bit of joy. This place should be well-decorated featuring all sorts of colors and textures. Why not go ahead and spruce up the place with a few shades...
5 Beautiful Ways To Show Off Your Nespresso Pods
I have a love affair with my kitchen, and I am not ashamed to admit it. My cabinets are custom stained in dark walnut, the counters are granite from Italy, and every inch has some touches of the decor ideas that have been trending of late (which I can't help but drool over on Pinterest). But one of my favorite things about this room...
10 Brilliant Under The Kitchen Sink Organization Ideas
Wow, I just finished looking under my kitchen sink. Holy Moly! It was a disaster zone down there. Every time I looked at it, the place seemed to have grown in size and complexity. There were so many things crammed into that little space! And they were all haphazardly tossed about, making it impossible to find something when needed. A kitchen is a busy...